Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Temp Postponed Blog
The blog is going to be postponed until Devin Rude can complete the following task that the lawyer and I have been trying to get completed for around 6 months now.
- Sending ALL my personal belongings that are in Italy, including the things that I have been saving since I was a very young girl to give to my child one day. For example, baby books that I could be reading to him now, toys he could play with as well. (Emailing me a receipt to prove that they were sent)
- Pay through the child support office (It looks like you’re -$2,000+ because you haven’t paid through them, but since I went to the bank and got all my statements printed to prove otherwise they know[ yes, I could say that you just haven’t paid it]) paying the correct amount on the correct date
- My $405 sent to my lawyer
- Around $95 back pay from Child support
- Getting the papers signed that need to be signed.
When every single one of these things is finished the blog will be updated with all the things that happened while the blog was on hold and it will continue as normal. Thank you all for your understanding and patients. Hopefully things will be up and running in no time.
If you want to know how Brayden is doing feel free to email me.
Im 9 Months Old
I am soooooo close to crawling and I am getting in the right position and then at the last second changing my mind. I do know how to get around on my butt and do this slow butt scoot thing. I am clapping all the time know, mostly when I think things are funny. I also love to copy everyone and laugh when someone else laughs. I also am extremely close to pulling up on everything. I love to have someone hold my hands and walk around.
I am singing and dancing with my music toys, and have figured out how to really play will all of my other toys. I can throw my balls really far and also enjoy slamming them again things.