Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Very First Christmas

Thank you everyone so much for all of my wonderful presents, I love them all and really do appreciate you think of me. I had a great Christmas, I loved opening all my gifts and playing with all my new toys. Thanks again.

Friday, December 17, 2010

First Tooth!

I just got my very first tooth, the front bottom left. I don't seem to have had any strong teething signs, everything has been going very smoothly.

Also I was in my bath and found my junk, I wouldn't leave it alone and I think mommy was a little distraught about it. :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I can say MAMA

I have been working up to saying mama and have been saying it for about a week and a half now, I look right at mommy and talk to her and say mama. I also put my hands up and say mama to ask up. I have been baby talking a lot lately, I will tell you about anything.
I am eating all kinds of different foods now, but I am very picky. I will turn my head side to side so mommy cant get the food near my mouth if I don't feel like eating.
I love to walk around with mommy holding my arms, I walk all over the place and for long periods at a time, laughing and making weird noises.
I am crying now when strangers come to close or try to hold me, and also I have been crying a lot when mommy walks away.
I am laughing so much and at all different things, I love when the dogs walk by and specially when the kitty crosses my path.
I did receive a lot of Christmas presents from everyone but mommy wont let me play with them until Christmas, I cant wait! :) Thanks everyone
Love you all.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Im 8 Months Old

I am 8 months old! mommy is really busy with finals but will help me update for anyone after the week.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Pulled Up!

This evening when mommy was eating next to me on the bed I decided that I wanted what she was eating. So I kept reaching and reaching for the food till mommy put her back to me. I tried everything to get her attention like leaning on her, hugs and kisses, and Finally grabbing her and pulling up. Mommy seemed shocked and had to sit me back down and then I got peas and carrots that were on her plate. After she finished eating she put me in the highchair and tried to feed me the extra peas and carrots. When she put them in my month I almost throw up. There not any good if I am not taking them off my mommies plate.

Friday, December 3, 2010