Friday, January 7, 2011

Im 9 Months Old

I am 9 months old today and as happy as ever. I am still wearing 18 months clothes and the same size diapers. I am eating all different kinds of things, mommy gave me Cheerios today but I haven't figured out how to chew my food yet so everything still has to be mushy or small. I love my spippy cup and get excited when mommy shows me it and gives it to me.

I am soooooo close to crawling and I am getting in the right position and then at the last second changing my mind. I do know how to get around on my butt and do this slow butt scoot thing. I am clapping all the time know, mostly when I think things are funny. I also love to copy everyone and laugh when someone else laughs. I also am extremely close to pulling up on everything. I love to have someone hold my hands and walk around.

I am singing and dancing with my music toys, and have figured out how to really play will all of my other toys. I can throw my balls really far and also enjoy slamming them again things.

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